How to Build a Purpose-Guided Life


   * How finding purpose can save your life
   * What your purpose is in life
   * How to position your life so purpose can show
   * Why people don't want you to find your purpose
   * Why everyone doesn't find their purpose
   * That finding purpose is a choice
   * How you find focus power
   * To clear the way to a purpose-guided life
   * Why we find purpose and then lose it


How to Build a Purpose Guided Life:

1.  At this time, like no other, it is time to_________________________________________

2.  Ask yourself the key questions:


3.  Finding your purpose will put you into your ________________________________________.

4.  Finding your purpose could _________________________________your life.

Why Doesn't everybody find their purpose?

1. What is the worst disease that kills finding your purpose power?__________________________

2.  Life is a ___________________________.  It is hte hard time; it is the struggle in life that opens the doors, so enjoy the journey.  This is called ______________________.

3.  What are the ____________________focus killers?


4.  Never forget that what you are seeking, good or bad, is also ______________you.

How can you clear the way to purpose guided life?

1.  Let's begin with ___________________________
  (it is my responsibility to know my purpose; it is my purpose, you know!)

2.  Get rid of _____________________________.
3.  Don't __________________________________yourself when making judgement.

4. Most things _____________________________happen when you think they should.
5.  I believe that this is the decade of _____________________________________.
6.  Many of us go through life being the big _________________________________.
7.  Live by the ________________________and _______________________principle.
8.  Have your ____________________________________that allows you to see clearly.
9.  Do what is _________________________________________.
10.  What are the things that you would change if you had _______________________________.

Write down three things that you would change

1.  _______________________________________________________

2.   _______________________________________________________

3.   _______________________________________________________

What are the things that are driving your life?
1.  _______________________________________________________

2.   _______________________________________________________

3.   _______________________________________________________

4.  _______________________________________________________

5.   _______________________________________________________

6.   _______________________________________________________

How do you start to find your purpose?____________________________________

How many of you want to find your purpose in life?  YES    NO

Here are the doors that you must brake down:

1.  Door of ________________________________

2.  Door of _______________________________

3.  Door of _______________________________

4.  Door of _________________________________

5. Door of ________________________________

Remember, nothing matters more than _________________for your life.  I believe that ___________________________can compensate for knowing your purpose.

Focusing on _________________________will never reveal your life's purpose.

Then how do you find it?

What are the benefits of finding your purpose?

1.  Knowing your purpose gives you ____________________________in life.
2.  Knowing yoru purpose gives you a ______________________________for your decision.
3.  People that know their purpose ____________________________________try to do too much.
4.  It gives you ______________________________power.
  a.  CE____________________________
   b.  CH____________________________

5.  The key is to dedicate your life to something that is ________________________________

6.  Remember that __________________________are free to choose.
7.  You will then understand _____________________________________.

You must understand Surrender; it is the only way to find purpose in life.

How to do that:
1. Begin with the ___________________________factor.
2.  Take care of __________________________not the money, give them tme.
3.   Have ___________________________________.
4.  Become a ______________________________in life.
5. What purpose is looking for is attitude of the ________________________________.
6.  Live by these three rules:
    a.  ____________________________something nice to someone
     b.  __________________________something nice for someone.
     c.   Be your ______________________________at all times.

7.  Use your ___________________________to find your purpose in life.
8.  Have __________________________time.
9.  Admitting your _______________________________________.
10.  Becoming ______________________________with your purpose in life.


1.  Life without ___________________________is worthless.
2.  The Three Keys:

3.  Relationships are what _____________________is about.
4.  How do you spell LOVE?
    T  ___________________________________
     I ___________________________________
     M ___________________________________
     E  ___________________________________

5.  Life is all about __________________________________

Can you find your purpose and then lose it again?_______________________
How does this happen?

1. We don't understand the importance of _______________________________.
2. We don't understand __________________________________.
3. We don't understand the ability to attack the _____________________________________, not the __________________.

4.  We don't understand ______________________________________.
(We think it lies around us, but our purpose reminds us that it begins within us.  Remember whatever gets into your mind will get your attention).

The keys to a purpose guided life:
1. ______________________________________



4  It takes _______________________________

5  Fall back on your gifts:


How to Build a Better You.
Click here to listen.

for more CD's visit:
How to Build a Purpose-Guided Life.. by Bryan Dodge

Note:  Bryan Dodge was a speaker for Ameriplan's Leaders of Tomorrow and everyone LOVED him.  Please take the time and listen to the audios below. 

   * His main message – that life is good and growth is essential -- engages people to take ownership of their own personal and professional development.
   * He relates well to and connects with audiences of all kinds.
   * His message applies to everyone, both personally and professionally.
   * His approach is captivating and energetic – it keeps people engaged and on their toes.
   * He's fun, so people laugh while they're learning.
   * He makes people feel good. At the same time, he challenges audiences’ thinking and makes them see how they can take ownership of their lives.
   * He has compelling stories from audience participants of dramatic life change.
   * He teaches with simple, memorable concepts, using a stair-step method that empowers people at every skill level to make progress.
   * He's extremely professional and always a crowd-pleaser.
   * He generates attention, focus, energy and enthusiasm to the goals of the meeting.
   * He creates an environment where people want to grow.
   * He energizes people to get results for themselves and for the company.

Recent book  from Bryan Dodge:
Becoming the Obvious Choice (by Bryan Dodge) click here to order

Great advice4
Wonderful advice for someone looking to advance their career with the company they currently work for. I've applied several points from this book and have been fast-tracked for the next promotion!!! I will definitely recommend this book for anyone interested in career development.

Back to Basics4
This is a great back to basics style book. It gives simple and valuable advice on how to succeed. It is a very short read, and it's a must-have for anyone just starting out. I'd recommend it for anyone.

This little book is a quick read and very inspiring. There are simple little things that you can do to start preparing for your promotion or new job. The tips are timeless.

Another recommend book by Bryan:
The Richest Man in Babylon (click here to order)